
Забыли пароль?
8 (34154) 3-14-71, 3-16-55
8 904 8359467 (Udmurtia)
8 909 3081626 (Tatarstan)

427710, 7a Sovetskaya str., Kizner, Udmurt Republic. 

E-mail: rbvlud@gmail.com rbvlud@udm.net

ICQ: 553691620 Skype: rbvl-admin1

HHCI UR "Republican Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation MH UR"
Licence No. ЛО-18-01-002258 from April,18 2017

141 patients more!

141 patients more!

Вторник,  3  Апреля  2012

During the 1st quarter of 2012 year we have managed to treat for 141 patients more, more than for the same period of the last year! More and more people are willing to undergo the treatment with us. However, it is really great, that thanks to a new equipment and new technologies we can treat more people who need medical care within the same spaces!

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