
Забыли пароль?
8 (34154) 3-14-71, 3-16-55
8 904 8359467 (Udmurtia)
8 909 3081626 (Tatarstan)

427710, 7a Sovetskaya str., Kizner, Udmurt Republic. 

E-mail: rbvlud@gmail.com rbvlud@udm.net

ICQ: 553691620 Skype: rbvl-admin1

HHCI UR "Republican Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation MH UR"
Licence No. ЛО-18-01-002258 from April,18 2017

Information for Doctors

HHCI UR«Republic Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic» is situated at: 427710, UR, v.Kizner, Sovetskaya st., 7a tel.: 8(34154) 3-14-71, 3-16-55

The Hospital provides inpatient care for rehabilitation treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the peripheral nervous system, the supporting-motor apparatus and the locomotor system

Indications for the hospitalization (according to ICD-10) are diseases that have the following codes:

М 41.0; М 42; М 45; М 46.0; М 46.1; М 48.1; М 65.3; М 65.4; М 65.8; М 67.4; М 72.0; М 72.1; М 72.2; М 75; М76; М77.0-М77.5; М79.0; М79.1; М79.2; М81.5; М84.2

М02.2; М02.3; М02.8; М05.8; М06.0; М06.2; М06.4; М06.8; М07.0; М07.2; М07.3;

М07.6; М 08.0; М08.1; М08.3; М 10; М15; М16; М17; М18; М19; М 24.2; М24.4; М24.5;

G54.0-G54.5; G54.8; G54.9; G55.1- G55.3; G56.0-G56.9; G57.0-G57.9; G58;

Т91.3; Т92.1; Т92.4; Т92.8; Т93.1; Т93.8;

Basic contradictions to treatment are:
  1. All diseases listed above which are in an acute stage, chronic diseases in a stage of rapid deterioration requiring surgical treatment.
  2. All diseases making patients unable to individual movement and self-care.
  3. All diseases having contraindications to the effects of physiotherapeutic factors, mud therapy and hydrotherapy.