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8 (34154) 3-14-71, 3-16-55
8 904 8359467 (Udmurtia)
8 909 3081626 (Tatarstan)

427710, 7a Sovetskaya str., Kizner, Udmurt Republic. 

E-mail: rbvlud@gmail.com rbvlud@udm.net

ICQ: 553691620 Skype: rbvl-admin1

HHCI UR "Republican Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation MH UR"
Licence No. ЛО-18-01-002258 from April,18 2017

Well-Deserved Rewards In Medical Worker’s Day

Пятница,  26  Июня  2015

The most noticeable medical workers of RHMR are given rewards annually.

This year there are:

The Honored Certificate of Ministry of Public Health of the Udmurt Republic is given to:

 - Zayceva Ludmila Stepanovna, assistant nurse;

 - Kasimova Gulfiya Saubanovna, storekeeper;

 - Pokosheva Alevtina Alekseevna, nurse’s aid;

The municipal entity «Kiznerskiy Rayon» officially thanks:

 - Pirozhkova Irina Viktorovna, hospital cleaner

The Honored Certificate of Municipal entity «Kiznerskiy Rayon» is given to:

 - Leontev Vitaliy Ivanovich, medical brother of medical treatment room;

 - Korkina Maria Aleksandrovna, physical treatment room nurse.


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