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May 31 – A Day Without Tobacco

Воскресенье,  31  Мая  2015

International Day Without Tobacco is a great cause to stop smoking!

Smoking is the most popular bad human habit, that does harm to his health and influences his future life. Every inveterate smoker has a chance to break this habit today, and become healthier. Today is International Day Without Tobacco.

Recognition of danger of smoking is the first step towards breaking this psychological addiction and forget about it for ever.

Smoking gives harm to human’s health

Annually 5 millions of people die from diseases which are connected with smoking. Every day here in Russian takes a thousand of lifes.

 - Smoking blocks arteries with consequences such as heart attacks and strokes. Pulse rate of a smoker is 15000 beats per day higher than pulse rate of an non-smoker. Oxygen can hardly reach smoker body’s tissues for his arteries have become narrower.

 - Smoking causes respiratory organs diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), pneumonia.

 - Tobacco and its smoke contain more than 3000 chemical compounds, more than 60 from which are carcinogenic, which means they can injure genetic material of cells and induce growth of cancer. It has been proved long ago that tobacco causes 90% of cancer lung mortality. 

 - Smoking affects visual acuity. For many years scientists had spoken of negative influence of smoking on eyes, but only modern researches have proved the idea: substances that a cigarette contains are hazardous to eyesight, to proper blood supply of choroid and eye retina. Every smoker is in danger of loss of vision due to vascular occlusion.

 - There are diseases with tobacco as a main cause. For example, Friedlander's disease (legs arteries disease). Arteries in legs become narrower with blood supply disturbance in tissues and cells. The most dramatic consequence of the disease is limb(s) amputation. Only in Russia there are about 20,000 amputation surgeries due to Friedlander's disease.

 - Different clinical investigations have proved that skin of a smoker ages rapidly. For example, it has been discovered that skin of a forty years old lady can be of the same «age» as skin of a seventy years old madam. Medical doctors in Russia call these skin changes «a snuff-coloured» face syndrome.

 - Speaking of men there are 3 times more impotents among smokers than among non-smokers. In the same time smokers among women suffer 2,5 times more from frigidity than non-smokers. These effects to be in evidence due to narrowing of arteries by nicotine.

 - Smoking affects both physical and phycological health. Smokers suffer nervous debility more than others. Hereupon they loss their nervous, become irritable, a fractious and bad tempered people.

The list of diseases which are connected with smoking is far from its end. The only question you have to ask yourself is «Do I really need these problems?»

Smoking affects brain performance capability

Smoking slowers all reactions and makes them less exact. A person loses attention, memory, his IQ lowers. People whose work is connected with memory and attention, rate of response should remember that smoking decreases their working ability. They can be 100% focused on their activity.

Goethe said: «Smoking makes you dull. Smoking has nothing to do with work of creation.»

There are a bunch of other examples why one should give up smoking

 - Smokers have offensive breath, yellow skin and bad taste in mouth early in the morning.

 - Smokers have worse sleep than non-smokers.

 - Smoking dulls the sensation of tastes and smells. These senses one can recover giving up smoking for prolong period of time.

 - Smokers harm health of people around. More than 600,000 people die due to second-hand smoke annually, one-third of them are children.

 - Smoking causes fires.

 - Smoking is wasting money.

 - Smoking is wasting time. An average smoker wastes from 10 to 15 day per year on smoking.

All of these reasons should help you to give up smoking. And today is International day without tobacco which is another good reason to break this bad habit! 

Give up smoking today!!!

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