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World Health Day: Food Safety

Вторник,  7  Апреля  2015

Today, April 7, World Health Day is celebrated. Today World Heath Organization (WHO) was created in 1948.

Since this time 194 countries became members of WHO. And since 1950 World Health Day had been conducted in order to help people understand how much is health important for our life.

Every year WHO devotes this day to a global problem of healthcare.

2015 is the year of Food safety

The History

Unsafe food is connected with approximately 2 millions deaths annually, and mostly among children. Pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites and chemicals, which food is included in our days, are reasons of more than 200 diseases, from diarrhea to cancer.

Every day new threats for food safety are revealed. Changes in food production technologies and food distribution and consumption; changes in environment; new and undiscovered yet pathogens; bacterial resistance – are factors that create difficulties for national systems of food safety. People mobility and international trading increase unsafe food spread probability.

Food safety – 2015 World Health Day

Due to globalization of food suppliers there is a need to strengthen food security systems within a country and between all the countries. Because of that WHO is supported every effort that makes food safer «from farm to plate» (and in every step between) during World Health Day, April 7, 2015.

According to the Codex Alimentarius, a digest of international standards, guidances and practices of food production and consumption, which is included all common kinds of food and processes of its creating, WHO helps countries to stop, discover and react on foodborne diseases. WHO, in collaboration with UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), warns countries about critical circumstances in food safety sphere through the International Media Network.

Five principles of food safety

Food safety is a collective responsibility. Safety should be secured throughout food production chain, from farmers and producers to vendors and consumers. As an example, there is a report of WHO «The Five Keys to Safer Food Programme». There one can find guidance for vendors and customers in the sphere of food handling and preparation:

Principle One: Store food in purity degree

Principle Two: Divide raw food from prepared

Principle Three: Food should be cooked carefully

Principle Four: Food should be cooked according to necessary temperature

Principle Five: Use safe water and safe raw products

World Health Day 2015 gives opportunity to politicians, farmers, producers, commerce, medical workers and consumers to focus their attention on the importance of food safety and share everyone can give to make food safer, that every men in the world could be sure that food on his/her plate is absolutely safe.

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