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8 (34154) 3-14-71, 3-16-55
8 904 8359467 (Udmurtia)
8 909 3081626 (Tatarstan)

427710, 7a Sovetskaya str., Kizner, Udmurt Republic. 

E-mail: rbvlud@gmail.com rbvlud@udm.net

ICQ: 553691620 Skype: rbvl-admin1

HHCI UR "Republican Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation MH UR"
Licence No. ЛО-18-01-002258 from April,18 2017

Well-Deserved Rewards

Пятница,  31  Октября  2014

Gabitova Fidalia Zinurovna, a head nurse of RHMR, by the decree of the Head of the Udmurt Republic from 22th of October, 2014 has given the Honored Certificate of the Udmurt Republic for industrious work of many years.

Give the Honored Title to:

— Zabolotskikh Svetlana Yurievna, a physician of RHMR, has given title of «Honored Laborer of Public Health of the Udmurt Republic» for industrious work and services for Public Health Care.

— Kudryavceva Elena Vladimirovna, an accountant of RHMR, has given title of «Honored Accountant of the Udmurt Republic» for industrious work and services for economics.

Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic officially thanks 

for industrious work and devoted to The Day of Statehood of the Udmurt Republic

 — Kulikova Natalia Vladimirovna, a cook of RHMR.

 — Pustokhin Andrey Sergeevich, a programmer of RHMR.

 — Ryabchikov Vladimir Arkadyevich, a shiftman of RHMR.

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