
Забыли пароль?
8 (34154) 3-14-71, 3-16-55
8 904 8359467 (Udmurtia)
8 909 3081626 (Tatarstan)

427710, 7a Sovetskaya str., Kizner, Udmurt Republic. 

E-mail: rbvlud@gmail.com rbvlud@udm.net

ICQ: 553691620 Skype: rbvl-admin1

HHCI UR "Republican Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation MH UR"
Licence No. ЛО-18-01-002258 from April,18 2017

Vacant Position: Physiotherapist

Четверг,  11  Май  2017

There is a vacant position at Republican Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation. We need a massage therapist. Secondary vocational education is needed, as well as a speciality certificate "Medical massage". Work experience on the field is optional, but relevant. Send your CV via e-mails: rbvl@bk.ru or rbvlkadr@gmail.com. All references via phones: 8(34154) 31655 or 8(34154) 31141.

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